The step towards a more sustainable lifestyle can be challenging. Thinking about the different aspects often creates more questions than answers. For example; If I claim to be more sustainable in my role as sustainability lead, does this mean I can never fly again when going on holidays? These trade offs often arise as limiting beliefs in our minds, it seems to be an all or nothing game. What if we can turn these limiting beliefs into positive thoughts and actions? 

Most people (74%) are willing to make significant changes to be more sustainable. However only 23% of all people said they actually took action and made major changes to be more environmentally friendly in the past year (Global consumer insights, 2021). The key question is; How can you actually be more friendly to yourself, and environmentally friendly at the same time? As this is essential in order to create and keep sustainable changes. 

In this article I share three practical steps, how to overcome blocking ideas and actually moving towards a more balanced and sustainable way of living. Providing a more easy approach and a solution to close the gap between your intention (willingness to be sustainable) and  actual sustainable actions.

  1. Start small and easy, consider what actions you can easily control.

Think about the first step you can take, today. For example, before making any purchase, reconsider whether you really need this item. Might you have an alternative in your home? Would it be an item you could lend or borrow? Otherwise is it something you can acquire second hand? Asking yourself these simple questions provides control over your actions, with ease. Actually doing nothing can be the most easy option, not purchasing something new. Giving you back time and saving your earnings for something you truly need or can enjoy. 

  1. Taking things step by step, expanding the positive mindset you already have. 

Changing everything at once is impossible, change takes time and effort, for all of us. Therefore thinking about a more sustainable life, means taking things step by step. Consider what you are already doing, something you enjoy and think how you can expand this is key. For example I enjoy cooking and have quite some knowledge about different types of vegetarian recipes. I am planning on buying more local foods, exploring farmers markets and searching for seasonal recipes. Taking small steps towards creating more impact, with ease. 

  1. Ask your family and friends and focus on the similarity between your goals. 

It is likely that most of your family and friends are willing to be more sustainable. As mentioned before, most people want to make significant changes to be more sustainable. Meaning that most people are willing to change, this is the social standard. Considering what others would like to do when making changes to your lifestyle will help in keeping your motivation. 

To recap, when thinking about sustainable change we often create major goals, or in other words limiting beliefs. Thinking if we claim to be more sustainable we have to stop with all ‘unsustainable’ actions and make major changes to our lifestyle. 

Stop thinking about major change and start with the easy way forward. I have shared three practical steps, focusing on small steps and actions that are easy to control, positive intentions towards these actions and a supportive social environment is essential in creating sustainable change. This is based on the theory of reasoned action, Madden et al. 1992. 

It is not about driving major changes, but about driving a more balanced and impactful lifestyle, step by step.